Diversity and inclusion
We hire for talent and are continually looking for skilled employees who resonate with our values. Our hiring processes are all-inclusive, regardless of geographic location or role we are hiring for. We are commited to diversity and provide equal opportunities to all our employees. We strive to create a safe working environment that embraces different personalities and their uniqueness.
We always work hard at providing our staff opportunities to develop both personally and professionally with coaching and mentoring programmes being readily available.
Social responsibility
We are committed to making a difference for our employees, our partners, their customers, the communities in which we operate and our planet.
We focus on development programmes for our employees. We support charities such as sponsoring an orphanage, donating school supplies for children in need, distributing food for people living on the streets and embracing Impact Sourcing.
Human rights
Custom Connect has a strict policy regarding human rights. As a leading company in the BPO industry, we recognise the importance of human rights and strive to align our business practices with international standards and legislation in this area. We demonstrate our commitment to human rights issues, with specific focus on the Netherlands, Suriname and South Africa.
Custom Connect is committed to a sustainable society. We have our organisation assessed for sustainability by EcoVadis every few years.
EcoVadis is an organisation specialising in sustainability assessments. EcoVadis focuses mainly on the international business market; on companies that trade with other companies and are therefore part of an often international chain (supply chain). EcoVadis assesses companies on their sustainability performance, using 21 indicators divided into four themes. These themes are: environment, labour and human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement.
In recent years, Custom Connect received bronze and silver ratings from EcoVadis.”